I finally found some time to add some of my EK pieces to my Art Station account. You can check it out here:

Since the sudden demise of CGHUB earlier this year, Art Station seems to be shaping up as the premier social community/portfolio site for entertainment artists. It is well worth a browse, as it is full of amazing work by from a host of incredible artists from across the entertainment industry. Take a look at:


Here are a few character promotional images I created for Tiny Mob Games upcoming free-to-play mobile real time strategy game Tiny Realms:

As mentioned in the last post the visual style of Tiny Realms is quite playful, utilizing exaggerated proportions, a "cartoony"sensibility, and iconic fantasy design motifs. It can be a fun style to play around with. As promotional pieces I was painting these up using character designs created by Mike Deas and Paul Dowd over at Tiny Mob. 

Several character/unit types from three playable factions: Human, Dwarf and Tegu, which will be available in the initial release of the game, are featured in these promotional pieces. 

Tiny Mod are launching a limited release of Tiny Realms later this month. A wider release will follow sometime after that, probably in the fall. For more info. on Tiny Realms check out the site:

Thanks to the guys at Tiny Mob!


Here are a few pieces I created for an up coming free-to-play mobile/tablet game called Tiny Realms. Produced by Tiny Mob Games, Tiny Realms is a fantasy based real time strategy game that is scheduled to be released later this spring.

Designed for the "mid-core" market, Tiny Realms is a casual game and the visual style is very playful. These images were done on a pretty tight schedule, but it was fun to have the chance to work on something this cartoony again. Besides the game logo, these images were created to be used in the intro sequence of Tiny Realms and had to be illustrated in layers so they could be animated. Pans, shifting layers to add parallax and depth, subtle effects, etc. were added to the images for the intro.

Thanks to Jamie Toghill, Paul Dowd and Mike Deas (who is handling most of the concept design for this project) at Tiny Mob for the direction, feedback, and for being a pleasure to work with.

Tiny Realms will be released later in Spring 2014, first on iPhone and iPad, but then I believe it will be coming out on Android, Facebook, etc. soon after that. For more info. check it out at:


Here is an promotional illustration I did recently for Tiny Mob Games. Tiny Mob are a small, but growing game developer located in Victoria BC,  that focus on creating casual/mobile/social games for the "mid-core" market. You can check them out at:

Tiny Mob are currently finishing up their first title and they are planning on launching it later this spring. I had the chance to contribute to that project so I'll post some of that work once the project has been announced.

Thanks to Paul and Jamie at Tiny Mob.


Some pieces from my Entartete Kunst series have been featured in the latest, and 5th edition of the Fantasy+ art book. A small interview is also included along with my work. 

This is a great book, full of amazing work by artists from all over the world. Other artists featured include Matt Gaser, Tran Nguyen, Dennis Brown, Yu Donglu, Justin Hernandez, and many more I should mention, but I won't list them all here! 

Thanks to Vincent Zhao for asking me to be part of this book. Fantasy+ 5 - The World's Most Imaginative Artworks is published by CYPI Press and is out now so go pick one up.

Cover art by Kerem Beyit.


Work from my Enartete Kunst series is on the cover and is featured in a 10 page article/interview in the February edition of 2D Artist Magazine. Topics covered include the EK Series, freelance work, concept art, and my book. I had done character design walkthrough for 2D Artist last September, and it was great to work with them again.

This issue is also filled with great work from Calum Alexander Watt, Kurt Papstein, Geoffrey Ernault and B. Börkur Eiríksson, just to name a few.

Check out a preview of the issue here.

Thanks to Jess Serjent-Tipping for the opportunity.